Fulfillment of Corporate Social Responsibility

Business today is not just about making money. Expectations of corporate behaviour go beyond legal or regulatory requirements. The business licence to operate is given, perhaps not explicitly, but nonetheless effectively, by the communities in which we work. Without stakeholders such as customers, staff, suppliers or investors, what is any business worth? Business depends as much on the community infrastructure that enables key stakeholders to function as it does on capital and material assets. It is inconceivable that in the long term a business entity can enhance shareholder value unless it is dedicated to retaining and developing its customer and employee relationships.


To be successful in carrying out ESG strategy, we strive to embed socially responsible values throughout our organisation, influencing our day-to-day operations.

Caring Company

Launched by The Hong Kong Council of Social Service (HKCSS) in 2002,the Caring Company Scheme (the Scheme) aims to foster strategic partnerships between the business and social services sectors to promote good corporate citizenship and create a more inclusive society. The Scheme also helps corporations and social services organisations to know and understand one another at a much deeper level. This will create more room for working together to develop cross-sector community projects that focus on the needs of the community.

To build a cohesive society by promoting strategic partnerships among business and social service partners, and inspiring corporate social responsibility through caring for the community, employees and the environment.

Food angel

Corporate Engagement

Corporate Angel engages Million Group in performing their Corporate Social Responsibilities (CSR) through their support for Food Angel’s mission, “Waste Not, Hunger Not, With Love”. Through a spectrum of CSR activities including the Food Angel Food Preparation Program, Food Up-cycling Workshops, Talks, Community Events, and corporate initiated fundraising activities, corporate volunteers can help reduce food waste at the source and to serve the people in need of food assistance, and help raise funds for the program.